Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Empty Pot by Demi- A little known book that should be in every classroom library

How can you have an effective conversation on the importance of telling the truth with young children in a way that they get it?
This simple picture book may be  your answer.

The Empty Pot by Demi tells a tale of young Ping who tries to grow a flower for the Emperor, who happens to love flowers. Everyone else can do it; they present to the Emperor beautiful plants but Ping arrives in his presence with just an empty pot.

Watch your kiddos as they listen to what happens next.

Ask your students why do they believe Ping came with an Empty Pot. Did he do the right thing? What happened as a result of him telling the truth? Should you always tell the truth even when it is difficult?

The unique illustrations are all done in a plate-like shape- have your students create artistic scenes on paper plates.

This is a wonderful book to dove-tail a class study on the country of China. Painting flowers and cherry blossoms on paper plates or screen paper would also go together well.

Happy Reading,

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